water science
where marketing works - for water
Stormwater. Wastewater. Groundwater. Drinking Water. Water Security. Reuse. As our most precious resource, water has never faced more challenges - nor had more opportunity than right now. At S&D, we understand the importance of the science, technology and engineering that goes into addressing those issues. And we understand how to communicate them to stakeholders.
one part advertising.
one part advocacy.
We help water organizations, utilities, municipalities, districts, researchers and nonprofits share their stories and advance their causes and support growth and goals with:
capital campaigns
annual reports
consumer communication
trade show coordination
marketing materials
digital/social campaigns
video outreach
interactive mapping

our experience runs deep.

As the world’s leading research organization advancing the science of all water, The Water Research Foundation
funds, manages, and publishes research on the technology, operation, and management of drinking water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater systems. S&D has partnered with them to develop case study brochures and videos, informative videos that they can use for social media and community applications, and subscriber acquisition materials and collateral.
"Wanted to share this awesome LinkedIn post... it is the best compliment when our subscribers share! A huge thank you to your team for
helping us make these moments happen!"
- Lexie Vean
Chief Communications Officer
The Water Research Foundation

WRF OneWater - Although historically focused on drinking water, WRF wanted to evolve and cover all aspects of water treatment, including wastewater, stormwater, reuse and drinking water. S&D helped them reposition to “One Water” - giving them the ability to promote themselves to more types of utilities and expand their target audience. We created the new brand and a collection of collateral that included logo and brand elements, video, brochure, presentation folder with sales sheets, and direct mail.

The High Line Canal Conservancy protects and enhances a historic waterway that has been transformed into a public recreation amenity. With 71 miles that transverse through eleven jurisdictions, clear outreach to millions of citizens is imperative. S&D has helped HLCC with annual reports and a forthcoming capital campaign; their stormwater brand and materials sought to inform the public of the Canal's part in essential stormwater management through videos, a web page and materials for jurisdictions to distribute to citizens.

HLCC STEP - In order further educate citizens and engage municipalities and elected officials, S&D created a new brand for the Conservancy: Stormwater Transformation and Enhancement Program - STEP. Besides a logo and complete brand elements, we provided a long-form video, a series of video clips for social, newsletter templates, fact sheets and infographics that can be used by Conservancy marketing staff - and a 45-page Pathway Implementation Guide to assist municipalities and jurisdictions through STEP projects.